Wednesday, April 30, 2008

first blooms of spring

this huge tree by our house just popped open and wasn't nipped by any late frosts

more shell work

i made a mask of my own face, then covered it in shells.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

shell table

shell shock

i have an obsession with sea shells. i like to cover things with them. I eventually want to make a shell grotto in my house. some time, it will happen. till then cover tables and what ever i can find.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

circus of the perverse

After seeing the movie "Trade", i was so disturbed by it. Can child sex trade be worse than it has been in the past? Are men getting more reptilian, instead of evolving forward are we regressing back to savages. It sickens me. To me it's to the point of no return!!! It's rampant. It's rampant thru out the world. I don't believe it can be stopped. This is my inspiration for this collage. God help All the Kids that are in slavery as we speak.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

prize hoya

i've had this hoya for 24 years.

plants anyone

Plants, Plants everywhere!!!

everything out!!!

Here's a look at my sunroom "before" the plants are outside. I can barely get around. But, I love it that way. Plus, all the rooms is the house have at least 3 to 4 plants also. All very large plants. We need a dolley and we also use a old funeral home gurney that we found in the dumpster of a funeral home. That works great. Every summer i end up getting more. "IT's an obbsession". I can't stop. If it's a beautiful plant "it's mine". We take all of them outside in the spring so i can clean the house and so they can grow another couple of feet. In the summer we just keep the breezes blowing thru the house. No air conditioning. Yes, there are still people out there with out ac, or a cell phone. Bill is a great sport. He never comlains about all the plants. Only when he wrenches his back taking the 10 ton elephant ear outside.then he grumbles alittle.

Friday, April 25, 2008

bike ride pictures

i ride a nice flat route, that is 20 miles. i ride that route during the week before i head to work.

spring is here!!!

I've been out hitting the back roads on my bike. about 65 miles the last couple of days. I love how i feel when I'm out riding. It's so quiet, nothing but, the toads croaking and the pigs squealing from the factory farms. That's another rant (later) but, i do All my thinking on my bike. I get so many things figured out.I'm taking pictures every time i head out. I've posted a few. I'll be riding as much as i can to get ready for Ragbrai. The tornado sirens have been going off as i peck away on my computer. It's pouring rain. got to go take cover!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

peanut at the circus

My collages are put together with alittle of each dogs personality showing thru. I use golden paints.The colors are so vivid.

new shop

Sharon my sweet friend let me know about her new venture and her new blog. Please check her out. She is SO cool. Her shops are always a treat for the eyes. She is the most creative, fun and craziest person i know. When i leave her shop, i"m always full of inspiration.Check out my links, hers is The fabric of sweet repose.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I'm posting about a movie i saw last night. it's called "TRADE". It has Kevin Kline in it. it's about the sex trade an expose. I couldn't stop thinking about it. It was so disturbing. But, Everyone should see it. I highly recommend this movie. I just don't understand why we waste money on this "drug war" shit and put it into finding and persecuting these sick, reptilian, maggots. Everyone involved is so cold and calculating. It hurts so many peoples lives, more than meth or pot. some may disagree. the druggies hurt them selves, the sex trade hurts many many more. What we need is a real life Dexter. To rid this planet of creeps, 1 creep at a time.

is it art?

I'm debating on weather i should change my blog name to "THIS Girls craft". I'd love to start selling some work. but, it's hard. i want to test the waters. I'd love to make pet collages and sell some mosaics. but, is it called art. i think I'm a wannabe, i couldn't draw my own stained glass designs if my life depended on it. i love Tiffany designs. plus, there are so many beautiful designs out there why would i like to draw my own. i have a friend who makes thousands of dollars with his Tiffany lamps. is that not an art choosing the right types of glass and the right colors. what i don't have is a good spiel. if you have a good spiel or rap you can sell 2 rocks glued together. i know I've seen it done. using words like reality and juxtapose and none it making any sense, but, know one knows what it means so it must be good. right!! oh well, i'll keep on crafting.