For those of you who have never seen "the art of hair work", I'll give you a little history.In the Victorian era, mid 1800's, hair work was a ladies drawing room pastime. saved hair was intricately woven into wreaths and jewelry. Mementos of deceased loved ones as well as symbols of love and friendship. they were usually placed in shadow boxes with a picture of the deceased or loved one. i can't imagine the hours it took to make these. but, with no other form of entertainment, it definitely passed the time.i don't see many of these any more. Alot of people are grossed out by them. One guy i know compared it to saving finger nails in a box.I think they are beautiful.
I guess it depends on whose fingernails they were, bet he doesn't like taxidermy either...
I can appreciate the intricacy, time and creativity that must of went into these. Ive never seen them before but they creep me out too.
Ah those sentimental Victorians. I've seen hair wreaths, lockets with small hair flower designs inside and hair jewelry. I certainly appreciate the beauty and intricacy of them. We still save little curls of our babies hair. So - why not?
Another fantastic Lost Art Form. The patience it must have taken...
Dawn... The Bohemian
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