Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Give me some excitement, PLEASE

I woke around 10:00 and took 2 walks right after the other. Dogs are easier to handle 2 at a time. Nothing like putting on my shoes coat and hat, heading out into the cold wind, 1st thing in the morning. Then drove to Iowa city to swim for 35 min. and relax in a steaming hot tub. Nothing feels as good as that routine right now. I feel so refreshed and relaxed. I feel so fortunate to be able to do this. Oh, did i mention it costs me 2.50. What else can you get for 2.50.
I then come home and take 2 more walks with the kids. I DO finally feel like I'm toning up and losing alittle weight. I also walk 10 flights (200 stairs) twice a night while I'm at work, every night. It's getting alittle easier.
At 51 i really need to keep the fat OFF. I tend to eat for fuel instead of pleasure. I know how to cook about 10 things. I only cook sometimes on weekends. I hate vegetables, love fruit. I eat meat about 2 times a month. I live on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, canned fruit and yoplait yogurt. sea salt kettle chips are a new discovery. But, chips and lots of salsa are a main stay. Bill doesn't have an ounce of fat on his body. He gets his main meal at work in the hospital cafeteria. Poor guy. but, god bless him, he doesn't feel it's my job to feed him. Thank-you bill. He can't cook either. I'm not to adventurous when it comes to food, i have no problems with eating the same things everyday.


deb did it said...

I am also 51 and now needing to pay attention to those late night snacks! What a bargain for 2.50...YOU GO GIRL. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

A Wild Thing said...

Yup, especially for winter we need those heavier foods to sustain us through the long cold days. That's one thing about living alone...I can eat the same things over and over and never get tired of it. Normally I never eat salads in the winter, but not this year...more greens! Can't wait to get out and start walking, you just can't force me right now...or the dog(spoiled brat) but she's pretty active in the house, has caught 20 mice so far this winter and we always have our runs around the kitchen table, hope I never get to old for that...what a blast! (doesn't take much fer me)

Love ya girl...s

kartika said...

Oh Cathy, I so relate - just lost 21 pounds and am almost at my goal - another 10 - anyway - I also adore chips, salsa, peanut butter and that good stuff - I just eat chicken no red meat but am now really going strong on vegis and protein. Must admit I have my chips every day with my turkey wrap at Revelations (our great bookstore, restaurant where you get wonderful food and coffee - lots or organic and locally grown. I am glad to be back in touch! Stay healthy!

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