Tuesday, July 8, 2008

cherry pickin

Ohhhh, the taste of sour cherry pie!!! it make all the sweating and messes of all messes worth while. i try to get most of the worms out, but......The invention of the good good old fashioned cherry pitter was so good that it has never been improved upon. i don't know what i would do without mine. I'm very selfish with my cherries. i freeze them so i can savor cherry pie all winter. the last pie i made, i ate the whole thing. poor bill didn't get a single piece. (better luck next time bill) Does any one know the secret to getting cherry stains off your hands?

1 comment:

A Wild Thing said...

You are obviously not licking your fingers enough...it was never the worms that bothered me...it was all the pits I missed, my dentist loved cherry season. Lost my cherry tree in the flood of '93. I can see pie wars a comin'...what is it about pie anyway, love to bake 'um, love to eat 'um...must be an Ioway thang.