Friday, June 19, 2009


So, i need to know how many other people are bothered by this. Two girls are in line in front of bill and me. The conversation between the the two girls goes something like this. Oh, "like" how long will we "like have to wait. "Like" i don't have "like" all day. "Like" how long are you stayin, "Like" How long will it take to "Like " climb this mountain. "Like" i don't know if "Like" i can really "Like" do this.
Then the girl she was talking to ended every sentence she finished with an up talk. "Like" i sure hope i can climb this MOUNTAIN. Every sentence ended with the up talk. I tried to do it and it's hard. Where did she learn that. Do you realize how stupid you sound. The girls were American and an embarrassment.


A Wild Thing said...

And how did they get to this sacred site anyway, rich parents wanting to get rid of them for a week. Obviously a lack in moral fiber, makes you wonder what their future holds in the grand scheme of things and makes it more certain of our demise.

Wake up kids...even my Grandson talks about how stupid girls his age are...scary, I hope they don't turn into baby factories or worse 'Housewives of Orange County'.....eeeeeeeeeee...

Let's do the dogs next week on my way to Sisters...I'll drop in, want to see the latest projects anyway...see ya!

Altered Glass said...

Hello, kids do you really want to get a job sometime in the near future? DROP THE "LIKE". I told my kids that if they want to sound stupid, just talk "like" that. Neither of them use that word unless it fits in the sentence. ps. I did get my books!!! Mosaic Techniques & Traditions by Sonia King. Excellent book, great ideas out of it. (Couldn't find your work in that one, but got stuck reading some of the how-to's and didn't flip page by page.Creative Garden Mosaics by Jill MacKay. Your work in that one, Midge, 1999 was stunning. I can't even imagine how many hours are wrapped up in that! You are an amazing artist. I'm so glad you share your art online, you have truly inspired me..... ppss. I have really enjoyed your pics from Machu Picchu also. What a trip!!

Mari Meehan said...

Remnants of the Valley Girls from several years back!